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Monday, June 15, 2009

"Baby Steps" to Preparedness

I just found this web-site and am so very impressed with the information contained on it. If you click the image (Food Storage Made Easy) directly to the right, it will take you to the web-site.
There are so many helpful tools, I think you will be as happy as I was to find it. It takes you through "baby steps" if you choose, or if you need more advanced help and information, it is available here.......from shelving to water storage to 72 hour kits. They will send an automatic email to you of what you should be doing for the next two weeks to get prepared.
One segment that I thought would be interesting and could be quite an "eye-opener", was their plan to challenge you to live on and live without random conveniences for a week. The challenge changes daily(I believe), so one day you might be without electricity---you can then assess how you need to change your plan and storage so that it will be less of a hardship.
Please at least check out this information for anything that might be helpful to you, or to someone that you know.

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