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Monday, March 12, 2012

Corned Beef! Yes, you can easily do this yourself!

Our family has made our own corned beef for ages now. It is less expensive than buying it ready to cook and you can control the quality by choosing the grade of meat yourself. Seriously, this is the easiest process and you will enjoy the outcome.

Here is the process:

Buy the meat:
I bought a rather flat three pound chuck roast for $2.99 per pound. If your meat is more square shaped, the curing process will take a few more days.

As you can see, the salt is Morton's Tender Quick. It is very inexpensive and you can find it with the salts in any grocery store. As per the instructions on the package of salt, you just rub the salt onto the meat and then seal it in a plastic bag or container. It needs to cure in the refrigerator for several days. The package states that it just take a few hours, but I have had much better results letting it cure for several days--at least three days for a flat piece of meat. 
After letting it cure, you rinse it off and simmer it gently until tender--3 hours or so. Enjoy!

This is a post from 2009, encouraging each of us to try this new method. How many of us
enjoyed the knowledge that we gained from this post?

Corned Beef--cabbage optional!

We, in our family really enjoy home-made corned beef. It is actually just cured beef. Most meats can be cured, cooked and enjoyed.
The product that you need to buy is very inexpensive. It is Morton Tender Quick and it is sold in the salt section of your grocery store. The directions on the package are very clear and easy to follow. It takes about one minute to prepare the meat, then you refrigerate it for several hours (up to 4 days for larger pieces of meat), then simmer in water until cooked through. You will know, after you cook the meat, if you have let it cure for long enough because the meat will not be cured in the very center and will be a natural meat color, rather than the reddish cured color. We sometimes eat ours with cabbage that has been simmered with the meat or we also enjoy corned beef in sandwiches such as the popular Rueben.

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